LOOK President Trump tweets about the NFL more than all but one other topic

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President Donald Trump has not been shy about sharing his opinion on protests acro s profe sional sports, specifically in the NFL.His Monday morning tweet, which after more players protested social injustice during pregame national anthems Sunday, was just the latest in a growing list of statements by the president on K.J. Hill Jersey the matter. Trump had previously applauded "great anger" of fans who booed those kneeling before and during the anthem in protest of social inequality, and his call at a September rally for NFL owners to "fire" kneeling players sparked rebuke from hundreds of athletes.When the NFL and NFL Players A sociation recently met to collaborate on social activism, not to mention to jointly refute Trump's notion that players are protesting America rather than problems within America, it didn't stop the president from resuming Twitter commentary on the league.In fact, , only one thing has been the topic of more Trump tweets over the last month than the NFL. Over the last 30 days, Trump's Twitter account has sent out a little more than 300 tweets or retweets. Of those, 37 (12%) directly addre sed the NFL or respecting the national DeShone Kizer Jersey anthem and U.S. flag. That was second only to tweets related to the tragedy in Puerto Rico, which comprised roughly 16% of Trump's tweets during the same period.To measure the frequency of topics, each tweet was placed into a single broad category. If more than one subject was referenced in a single tweet, an effort was made to pick the subject deemed to be the president's main focus of the tweet. For example, several tweets . These tweets were not categorized with tweets where .The full breakdown of Trump's Twitter activity? Tweets about the Marcus Johnson Jersey NFL were nearly double the amount of the president's posts on health care. There were approximately 17 le s tweets about taxes or tax cuts than there were about the NFL. And Busine s Insider counted 12 posts on the Oct. 1 Las Vegas shooting since Trump condemned the protests in September.
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